Ruth Merritt
Speech and Language Therapist
0ver 35 years experience in deafness
12 years in Cochlear Implants
Medico-legal expert Witness
Freelance Trainer
For the past 25 years, Ruth has been employed as an expert witness
Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) in medico-legal cases
and SEN Tribunals relating to children and adults with deafness, cerebral palsy
and specific language and learning disorder.
Since 2014, Ruth has worked as an in-house consultant SLT
for a mainstream primary school with a unit for children with complex communication needs.
As a result, she has expanded her skill base in working with children a range of complex difficulties including cerebral palsy, learning disorder, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, dyspraxia
and Profound Multiple Learning Difficulties.
From 2002- 2011, Ruth was employed as the Joint Principal SLT
at Great Ormond Street Hospital, Paediatric Cochlear Implant Programme.
Since 1985, Ruth and 2 other colleagues, July Halden and Sarah Beazley,
set up CSD Consultants and have developed and taught
two of the key postgraduate courses for SLTS working in the field of deafness:
Working with d/Deaf People: Part 1 and Working with d/Deaf People: Part 2.
During the recent pandemic these courses have been converted into an exciting 5 Module course
offered via a remote platform to suit the individual therapists needs.
In 1982, Ruth qualified as an SLT and developed her specialist skills
in the field of deafness working in a range of schools, clinic and hospital settings
including teaching at City University, University College London and Greenwich University
as a clinical tutor and lecturer in the specialist area of deafness